Wednesday, September 19, 2012

RC & RC = Saving Lives

Ripon College students, staff and faculty came out to save lives at the Red Cross Blood Drive on Tuesday, September 18th.  The results are in and they are impressive:

Scheduled Donors: 36
Presenting Donors: 51
Whole Blood Units Collected:41
Double Red Cell Units Collected: 7
Total Units Collected: 48
Potential number of patients helped through your efforts: 144!

Did you know: 

  • The actual blood donation typically takes less than 10-12 minutes. The entire process, from the time you arrive to the time you leave, takes about an hour and 15 min.

    • The average adult has about 10 pints of blood in his body. Roughly 1 pint is given during a donation.
    • Every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood.
    • More than 44,000 blood donations are needed every day
    • The blood type most often requested by hospitals is Type O.
    • The blood used in an emergency is already on the shelves before the event occurs.
    • The number one reason donors say they give blood is because they "want to help others."
    • Two most common reasons cited by people who don't give blood are: "Never thought about it" and "I don't like needles."
    • One donation can help save the lives of up to three people.
    • If you began donating blood at age 17 and donated every 56 days until you reached 76, you would have donated 48 gallons of blood, potentially helping save more than 1,000 lives!